Bridlington Masonic Hall

The Home of Freemasonry in Bridlington

Bridlington Masonic Hall, St. Johns Avenue, Bridlington. YO16 4NG. Telephone: 01262 672519.

Useful Links

Useful Links

Here are a few links you may find useful.

Freemasons’ Hall,
60 Great Queen Street,
London, WC2B 5AZ
tel: +44 (0) 20 7831 9811

The Province of Yorkshire (North and East Ridings)
PO Box 235
Redcar TS10 9BP
tel: +44(0)1904 898644

Freemasons Charity
Yorkshire North & East Ridings.
The Province of Yorkshire North
& East Ridings Charitable Grants

solomon logo Solomon is a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) established by the United Grand Lodge of England. It has a number of different modules which you need to enroll on before you can view or download the material. This is so you can customise what you can view, to fit in with where you are on your masonic journey.

So, if you are a Fellowcraft you would not enroll in the ‘Seek and Learn: Third Degree’, for example. Solomon is a platform for delivering individual learning, and for sharing material in a Lodge or Chapter. It is not a website, but rather uses web technology, and is better viewed as a system. You require a user id and password to authenticate you as a user, so it can recognise you. It does not authenticate you as a Freemason.

The system is set up in such a way that a user will only see material that is included in the modules to which they have registered.