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September 2023
A Different Way to Enjoy Freemasonry
September 2023
A Different Way to Enjoy Freemasonry
September 2023
A Different Way to Enjoy Freemasonry
Daylight lodges are an interesting and relatively new development in Freemasonry, at least in the historical sense. In our Province they have existed since 1994 and are located across the province in Richmond, Redcar, Scarborough, York, Middlesbrough, Helmsley, Bridlington, and Hull.
You can see that we do have a good spread covering most of the province.
Some of our daylight Lodges are traditional lodges, carrying out all of the ceremonies which our traditional evening lodges would undertake, others tend to be lodges of Advancement, providing interesting lectures and talks of a wide variety of subjects, but all would give its members the opportunity to advance and ultimately take the Chair as Master of the lodge.
Some lodges encourage the ladies to join them for lunch after their meetings and some also invite them to various lectures.
The Daylight Lodges give our members the fun, enjoyment, and friendship that our other lodges give but as they usually meet only four or five times a year, in daylight, the commitment is far less onerous.
We have members who for various reasons are unable or willing to venture out to a Lodge meeting on a night or who have withdrawn from their masonic activities altogether, this is a great loss not only to our fraternity in general, but to each and every brother who has reluctantly taken this course of action.
All of our daylight Lodges are dedicated to welcoming back, to active Masonry any brother who may not have attended his lodge for some time and they all, can be assured of a warm fraternal welcome from brethren who understand and who will assist them in any way possible to ease the process of returning to Freemasonry.
Many of you may be aware of a fellow mason who has stopped attending his lodge but who still retains a keen interest in Freemasonry. By letting these brother know of the existence and advantages of our daylight lodges and putting them in touch with our membership teams, we would be able to provide them with full details available and their activities, this would be a truly masonic act of brotherly love and kindness enabling brothers to re-engage in masonic activities.
If you are aware of any brother who for whatever reason has not been attending your evening lodges and you think that a daylight lodge may be more suitable or of interest to them, please let the membership(membership@yorkshirenerfreemasons.org.uk) team know and we would be delighted to give them more information and hopefully welcome them back to freemasonry.
Thanks go to Wilf Dodsworth secretary of Meridiam lodge 9597 for his input in the production of this information.
W/Bro Tony Randle P.P.G. M.O
Membership PMG Operational Lead
Email tony@yorkshirenerfreemasons.org.uk
Mobile 07940 259842
Yorkshire North & East Ridings