Bridlington Masonic Hall

The Home of Freemasonry in Bridlington

Bridlington Masonic Hall, St. Johns Avenue, Bridlington. YO16 4NG. Telephone: 01262 672519.

Burlington 3975


Burlington Lodge No. 3975

The Lodge meets on the third Friday of each month September through to May at 7pm.
Installation – Third Friday in February, starting at 4pm.

The Worshipful Master of Burlington Lodge – 2022
Jeffrey C. Harden PPDepGReg (Surrey)

History of Lodge No. 3975

The Burlington Lodge No. 3975 was consecrated in 1919, shortly after the conclusion of the First World War.  Along with many other lodges formed at this time, the Burlington Lodge was conceived out of a need to accommodate the large influx of new members, who, having endured the many hardships of the war, were keen to retain the friendship and camaraderie forged in the trenches.  It is therefore a daughter lodge of Londesborough Lodge No. 734.

Burlington is the Mother Lodge of Bridlington’s most celebrated Freemason, namely Right Worshipful Brother Iain Ross-Bryce, DL, TD.

Rt. W. Bro. Bryce rose to the exalted position of Deputy Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England between 1991-94, having been the Provincial Grand Master of the Province of Yorkshire, north and East Ridings from 1984 to 1991.

Iain Ross-Bryce

Regrettably, Iain passed to the Grand Lodge Above in July 2015.